Friday, June 25, 2010
I saw him again
What love can do
The lost love
My heavenly walk
My craving heart
My heart craves for a walk in the woods,
The chirping of the birds,
The smell of the green grass after the shower,
The breathe of fresh air
The sound of the gushing river
But all I get is the sight of dull buildings,
The buzzing of the mosquitoes
The smell of the gutters
The breath of the polluted air
The noise of the vehicles
I crave for a modest love from my mate
a small recognition from my superior
a diminutive smile from my subordinate
a sincere friendship and
a tiny place in your heart
But all I come across is disgust,
Snobbishness of my superior
Mockery from my subordinate
Fake people who try to take advantage of me
The mask
When I was born, I had no mask. I was all innocent and didn't find it necessary to use a mask. But growing up in this society had made it mandatory for me to use many masks. I wear a thousand masks, the masks that I am afraid to take off and none of them are me. My surface may be smooth but it is not me. Beneath the surface lies no smugness and complacence but a real me in confusion, in fear and aloneness. I do not want anyone to know this and panic at the thought of exposure and that's why I frantically create my masks.