
Friday, June 25, 2010

The mask

When I was born, I had no mask. I was all innocent and didn't find it necessary to use a mask. But growing up in this society had made it mandatory for me to use many masks. I wear a thousand masks, the masks that I am afraid to take off and none of them are me. My surface may be smooth but it is not me. Beneath the surface lies no smugness and complacence but a real me in confusion, in fear and aloneness. I do not want anyone to know this and panic at the thought of exposure and that's why I frantically create my masks.

I do not like hiding and the superficial phony game that I am playing. I would really like to be genuine and me. How can I remove the masks that I wear so that I can be who I was when I was born? I feel like Ariel- the mermaid who neither belongs to the sea nor to the land.

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