
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The sacrifice
The day was like any other summer day with the heavy down pour which made every sensible person to stay in the cozy corner of his dwelling. The continuous rain had swollen the river to the extent that it was threatening to overflow the bank yet the people residing there had no worries because there hadn’t been any life-threatening incidence in the valley till date and they were very confident that the valley would continue to remain so till the end of time.

Sonam, one prominent inhabitant in the area was sitting near the hearth relaxing with a cup of ara (locally brewed alcohol) after the hectic day in the office. The time on the wall cock showed half past seven in the evening and he felt quite drowsy. Making a quick dinner using the noodles (which he kept for some emergencies) he hurriedly ate it  and went to bed. 

The torrent rain on his roof made it impossible for him to sleep though he was dead tired. He turned and tossed on his bed. After sometime, he knew that sleep was unattainable and went for a second round of ara. As he moved towards the cabinet where he kept his prized possession (the different brand of drinks)  we felt something wet on his feet which shook all the drowsiness off him. He was baffled and put on all the lights. What he saw took all this sanity away. The water was gushing into the house at an alarming speed. His first and the only thought was to get away from the room. Without a second thought, he rushed out screaming; “Flood…Flood…everyone….get out!”

Many people came out shouting with torches, carrying their children. They made way to the hilltop some distance away. Sonam stayed back helping some needy neighbours and carrying their children to the safer distance. He made several such trips and his limbs ached due to cold but he didn’t stop. His only thought was to save his neighbours. He worked selflessly to save the people he came to love during his three years stay in the area. When the rescue team arrived, he had already guided his people to safety and erected some tents with the help of the inhabitants.

He was highly praised for his selfless service. The people flocked around him to thank him and he smiled acknowledging them but no one noticed his tired limbs and his haggled breath. His heart was giving away and this time, no doctors were there to save him. He breathe his last as the dawn broke and he had a smile on his face as he greeted the new day in his passing.

(To be continued…)
Note: Fictitious work purely based on writer's imagination 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Had I had my way…

Sitting on the balcony, my thoughts wander and I start thinking about all those experiences that I had and wonder whether my life had been worth living. Had I had my way, I would have embraced the death sooner instead of seeing my family face the terror on my account.
Every day they put a brave face and try to smile through the tears but I know what they are going through. It had been that way since the day they discovered about my illness. It had been an ill-fated winter morning when I blacked out in my office and my colleague found me senseless in the office. After a few chaotic moments they had transported me to the hospital where I had been tested through various medical examinations. The doctors did not find anything wrong with my report and I was sent home after a few days in the hospital.
But as I started passing out more frequently, my family got anxious and I had to go another series of medical examination where I was diagnosed with leukemia.
Now after two years of medication and a series chemotherapy treatment at the cancer hospital in Kolkata, I am home but my condition is haven’t improved much. I regularly visit the hospital for review and try to live a normal life but my health is deteriorating.
Every evening as I go to sleep, I look up into the face of my family fearing that it would be the last time I would be seeing them and I can see the same dread in their eyes.
All I can do for now is pray that my death be easy and early so that my family doesn’t have to go through another day of dread and wretchedness.
(*Note: This is a real story of a friend )