
Friday, March 25, 2011

Loving someone

“Loving someone is never an assurance that someone should love us back but to keep loving…” is something that I heard during my high school days. The words sounded hollow at that time because I could not comprehend the real meaning. I was always sure that if love did happened to me, I would take it as a gift and share it with the one fated with me. Never did I realize that such gift is bestowed to the fortunate one only.
A decade down the line and I settled with someone my parents choose. The trust and understanding that we were bonded with withered all the storms of our life and the life was gliding smoothly until I came upon someone who turned my life upside down. It was no fault of his and at the moment he doesn’t even know about how I feel about him. I have hidden it in the depth of my heart and tried to burry it because I know the grave consequences of letting such emotions known. I have so much at stake and I don’t want to hurt people I care.
Everyday, he texts me to know about what I am doing and I do the same. We call each other once in a while but we have never made the other known about our true feelings about each other.  He asks me for date sometimes which I decline on some pretext because I do not want to encourage him on something that has no future. I know both of us will suffer whether we are together or apart because nothing feels same anymore. And I would prefer to suffer being apart because he has his whole life ahead of him. I want him to have better future with a better person. He had tried many a times to tell me his true feelings but I turn deaf ears and pretend that I am blissfully happy with what I have though the only thing that I really want is to be in his arms. Lord! Give me strength to let him go.

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